Our brief was to live stream a continuous and elaborate PR stunt over three days.  The event celebrated the launch of a new Skittles rainbow as part of their brand enhancement campaign.  The stream ran constantly 24 hours a day and was hosted on Facebook in order to allow viewer interaction.  Viewers clicked on Facebook’s “ like” facility in order to trigger the phased release of coloured skittles to build a rainbow.   24hr streams involve an army of technicians working in shifts so that there is always someone ready to closely monitor encoding and streaming, and to respond to any potential issues which arise.  Streaming was to a third party CDN in order to allow headroom for large influxes of concurrent connections.

Careful planning in close partnership with the superb production team at Spectrecom, meant that the campaign which we were brought into quite late, went flawlessly to the delight of the Agency and end client

Skill tags

  • Bandwidth planning using contended network
  • Large volume streaming capacity planning using third party CDN
  • SD encoding
  • Rota of constant encoding engineers
  • 24/7 support
  • Helping deal with 100,000 skittles